
Amazing Features

Best TTH Bootcamps

Experience top-tier training with our expert-led TTH bootcamps, designed to fast-track your tech career. Explore our diverse range of courses and find the perfect program to match your career goals.

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Assured Placement Assistance

Our commitment is to help you land your dream job with our dedicated placement support. Benefit from our extensive network of industry connections and personalized career coaching.

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Best Assistant Driven Bootcamps

Unlock your potential with our Assistant Driven Bootcamps, where cutting-edge AI tools enhance your learning experience. Get personalized guidance and real-time feedback to accelerate your journey from novice to professional.

  • Intuitive Task Organization
  • Customizable Dashboards
  • User Training and Support
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Experienced Mentors

Our bootcamp features seasoned professionals who bring years of industry expertise to guide you every step of the way. Benefit from their knowledge, practical insights, and personalized mentorship to accelerate your learning and career growth.

With hands-on support from experienced mentors, you'll gain the confidence and skills needed to excel in your chosen field. Join us and take advantage of their real-world experience to achieve your professional goals.

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"What people are saying"




Placement Assistance provided


GMC Motors

Pragra provided knowledge based on industry trends.

“ Hi, I found Pragra to be incredibly supportive. Despite being online, the classes were clear and effective. The guidance and encouragement throughout the course were invaluable. the classes were clear and effective. The guidance and encouragement throughout the course were invaluable . ”



Meet our team

Get to know the dedicated professionals who are passionate about guiding you toward success and helping you achieve your career aspirations.

Atin Singh

Board Member

Vivek Ghartan

Board Member

Remus Lechintan


Sonali Singla

Technical Recruiter


Career Advisor

Shriya Dhingra

Manager Human Resource

Priyanshu Chakraborty

Web Designer

Rahul Singh

Software Developer

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